I thought I was living with a beaver when I saw the chewed edges of my patio
furniture, but then I remembered I have a Lab.
There couldn't of been more than three inches of water in the only puddle in the
field, but my dog veered away from the tossed ball and dashed in for a quick
wallow in the mud. I have a Lab.
My dog loves everyone she meets. Her enthusiasm might be a problem for me,
but I have a Lab.
In spite of the daily vacuuming, there's not a corner of my hardwood floor that
doesn't have a swirl of blonde dog hair on it because I have a Lab.
My dog has been with me on buses, trains and automobiles. This might faze
other dogs, but I have a Lab.
My dog can carry a package for several blocks, pick up objects on command, pull
off my socks and bring the leash and shoes before we go for a walk. She hunts
with Allen and brings home pheasants to cook. The first thing in the morning she
wakes me up with a whole body wiggle and a toy in her mouth. She approaches
each day with the attitude: something wonderful is just about to happen!
My life is fun because I have a Lab.